26 nl::json json = nl::json::object();
#define OBJECT_SERIALIZE_FIELD(json, json_field, field)
Available objects: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#available-types.
#define OBJECT_DESERIALIZE_FIELD(json, json_field, field, default_value, optional)
This object contains information about the user whose identifier was shared with the bot using a Keyb...
std::int64_t userId
Identifier of the shared user. This number may have more than 32 significant bits and some programmin...
nl::json toJson() const
Serializes this object to JSON.
void fromJson(const nl::json &json)
Deserializes this object from JSON.
UserShared(const nl::json &json)
std::int32_t requestId
Identifier of the request.