Telegram Bot C++ Library
Namespaces | |
namespace | DateTimeUtils |
Namespace contains useful Date Time related utility functions. | |
namespace | FileUtils |
Namespace contains useful File related utility functions. | |
namespace | StringUtils |
Namespace contains useful string related utility functions. | |
Classes | |
struct | Animation |
This object represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). More... | |
class | Api |
Api Methods More... | |
struct | Audio |
This object represents an audio file to be treated as music by the Telegram clients. More... | |
class | Bot |
struct | BotCommand |
This object represents a bot command. More... | |
struct | BotCommandScope |
Base class of all bot commands scopes This object represents the scope to which bot commands are applied. Currently, the following 7 scopes are supported: BotCommandScopeDefault BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators BotCommandScopeChat BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators BotCommandScopeChatMember More... | |
struct | BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators |
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all group and supergroup chat administrators. More... | |
struct | BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats |
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all group and supergroup chats. More... | |
struct | BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats |
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all private chats. More... | |
struct | BotCommandScopeChat |
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering a specific chat. More... | |
struct | BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators |
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all administrators of a specific group or supergroup chat. More... | |
struct | BotCommandScopeChatMember |
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering a specific member of a group or supergroup chat. More... | |
struct | BotCommandScopeDefault |
Represents the default scope of bot commands. Default commands are used if no commands with a narrower scope are specified for the user. More... | |
struct | BotDescription |
This object represents the bot's description. More... | |
struct | BotName |
This object represents the bot's name. More... | |
struct | BotShortDescription |
This object represents the bot's short description. More... | |
struct | CallbackGame |
A placeholder, currently holds no information. More... | |
struct | CallbackQuery |
This object represents an incoming callback query from a callback button in an inline keyboard. If the button that originated the query was attached to a message sent by the bot, the field message will be present. If the button was attached to a message sent via the bot (in inline mode), the field inline_message_id will be present. Exactly one of the fields data or game_short_name will be present. More... | |
struct | Chat |
This object represents a chat. More... | |
struct | ChatAdministratorRights |
Represents the rights of an administrator in a chat. More... | |
struct | ChatBoost |
This object contains information about a chat boost. More... | |
struct | ChatBoostRemoved |
This object represents a boost removed from a chat. More... | |
struct | ChatBoostSource |
This object describes the source of a chat boost. It can be one of: More... | |
struct | ChatBoostSourceGiftCode |
The boost was obtained by subscribing to Telegram Premium or by gifting a Telegram Premium subscription to another user. More... | |
struct | ChatBoostSourceGiveaway |
The boost was obtained by the creation of a Telegram Premium giveaway. This boosts the chat 4 times for the duration of the corresponding Telegram Premium subscription. More... | |
struct | ChatBoostSourcePremium |
The boost was obtained by subscribing to Telegram Premium or by gifting a Telegram Premium subscription to another user. More... | |
struct | ChatBoostUpdated |
This object represents a boost added to a chat or changed. More... | |
struct | ChatInviteLink |
Represents an invite link for a chat. More... | |
struct | ChatJoinRequest |
Represents a join request sent to a chat. More... | |
struct | ChatLocation |
Represents a location to which a chat is connected. More... | |
struct | ChatMember |
The base class of all chat members objects. This object contains information about one member of a chat. Currently, the following 6 types of chat members are supported: ChatMemberOwner ChatMemberAdministrator ChatMemberMember ChatMemberRestricted ChatMemberLeft ChatMemberBanned More... | |
struct | ChatMemberAdministrator |
Represents a chat member that has some additional privileges. More... | |
struct | ChatMemberBanned |
Represents a chat member that was banned in the chat and can't return to the chat or view chat messages. More... | |
struct | ChatMemberLeft |
Represents a chat member that isn't currently a member of the chat, but may join it themselves. More... | |
struct | ChatMemberMember |
Represents a chat member that has no additional privileges or restrictions. More... | |
struct | ChatMemberOwner |
Represents a chat member that owns the chat and has all administrator privileges. More... | |
struct | ChatMemberRestricted |
Represents a chat member that is under certain restrictions in the chat. Supergroups only. More... | |
struct | ChatMemberUpdated |
This object represents changes in the status of a chat member. More... | |
struct | ChatPermissions |
Describes actions that a non-administrator user is allowed to take in a chat. More... | |
struct | ChatPhoto |
This object represents a chat photo. More... | |
struct | ChatShared |
This object contains information about the chat whose identifier was shared with the bot using a KeyboardButtonRequestChat button. More... | |
struct | ChosenInlineResult |
Represents a result of an inline query that was chosen by the user and sent to their chat partner. More... | |
struct | Contact |
This object represents a phone contact. More... | |
struct | Dice |
This object represents an animated emoji that displays a random value. More... | |
struct | Document |
This object represents a general file (as opposed to photos, voice messages and audio files). voice messages audio files More... | |
struct | EncryptedCredentials |
Describes data required for decrypting and authenticating EncryptedPassportElement. See the Telegram Passport Documentation for a complete description of the data decryption and authentication processes. More... | |
struct | EncryptedPassportElement |
Describes documents or other Telegram Passport elements shared with the bot by the user. More... | |
class | Exception |
tgbotxx::Exception More... | |
struct | File |
This object represents a file ready to be downloaded. More... | |
struct | ForceReply |
Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will display a reply interface to the user (act as if the user has selected the bot's message and tapped 'Reply'). This can be extremely useful if you want to create user-friendly step-by-step interfaces without having to sacrifice privacy mode. Example. A poll bot for groups runs in privacy mode (only receives commands, replies to its messages and mentions). There could be two ways to create a new poll: More... | |
struct | ForumTopic |
This object represents a forum topic. More... | |
struct | ForumTopicClosed |
This object represents a service message about a forum topic closed in the chat. Currently holds no information. More... | |
struct | ForumTopicCreated |
This object represents a service message about a new forum topic created in the chat. More... | |
struct | ForumTopicEdited |
This object represents a service message about an edited forum topic. More... | |
struct | ForumTopicReopened |
This object represents a service message about a forum topic reopened in the chat. Currently holds no information. More... | |
struct | Game |
This object represents a game. Use BotFather to create and edit games, their short names will act as unique identifiers. More... | |
struct | GameHighScore |
This object represents one row of the high scores table for a game. More... | |
struct | GeneralForumTopicHidden |
This object represents a service message about General forum topic hidden in the chat. Currently holds no information. More... | |
struct | GeneralForumTopicUnhidden |
This object represents a service message about General forum topic unhidden in the chat. Currently holds no information. More... | |
struct | InlineKeyboardButton |
This object represents one button of an inline keyboard. You must use exactly one of the optional fields. More... | |
struct | InlineKeyboardMarkup |
This object represents an inline keyboard that appears right next to the message it belongs to. More... | |
struct | InlineQuery |
This object represents an incoming inline query. When the user sends an empty query, your bot could return some default or trending results. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResult |
Base class of all inline query results This object represents one result of an inline query. Telegram clients currently support results of the following 20 types: More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultArticle |
Represents a link to an article or web page. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultAudio |
Represents a link to an MP3 audio file. By default, this audio file will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the audio. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedAudio |
Represents a link to an MP3 audio file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this audio file will be sent by the user. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedDocument |
Represents a link to a file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedGif |
Represents a link to an animated GIF file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this animated GIF file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedMpeg4Gif |
Represents a link to a video animation (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound) stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this animated MPEG-4 file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedPhoto |
Represents a link to a photo stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this photo will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedSticker |
Represents a link to a sticker stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this sticker will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedVideo |
Represents a link to a video file stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this video file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultCachedVoice |
Represents a link to a voice message stored on the Telegram servers. By default, this voice message will be sent by the user. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultContact |
Represents a venue. By default, the venue will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the venue. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultDocument |
Represents a link to a file. By default, this file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the file. Currently, only .PDF and .ZIP files can be sent using this method. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultGame |
Represents a Game. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultGif |
Represents a link to an animated GIF file. By default, this animated GIF file will be sent by the user with optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the animation. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultLocation |
Represents a location on a map. By default, the location will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the location. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultMpeg4Gif |
Represents a link to a video animation (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound). By default, this animated MPEG-4 file will be sent by the user with optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the animation. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultPhoto |
Represents a link to a photo. By default, this photo will be sent by the user with optional caption. Alternatively, you can use input_message_content to send a message with the specified content instead of the photo. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultsButton |
This object represents a button to be shown above inline query results. You must use exactly one of the optional fields. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultVenue |
Represents a venue. By default, the venue will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the venue. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultVideo |
Represents a link to a page containing an embedded video player or a video file. By default, this video file will be sent by the user with an optional caption. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the video. More... | |
struct | InlineQueryResultVoice |
Represents a link to a voice recording in an .OGG container encoded with OPUS. By default, this voice recording will be sent by the user. Alternatively, you can use inputMessageContent to send a message with the specified content instead of the voice message. More... | |
struct | InputContactMessageContent |
Represents the content of a contact message to be sent as the result of an inline query. More... | |
struct | InputInvoiceMessageContent |
Represents the content of a invoice message to be sent as the result of an inline query. More... | |
struct | InputLocationMessageContent |
Represents the content of a location message to be sent as the result of an inline query. More... | |
struct | InputMedia |
This object represents the content of a media message to be sent. It should be one of: More... | |
struct | InputMediaAnimation |
Represents an animation file (GIF or H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video without sound) to be sent. More... | |
struct | InputMediaAudio |
Represents an audio file to be treated as music to be sent. More... | |
struct | InputMediaDocument |
Represents a general file to be sent. More... | |
struct | InputMediaPhoto |
Represents a photo to be sent. More... | |
struct | InputMediaVideo |
Represents a video to be sent. More... | |
struct | InputMessageContent |
Base class of all inline query results This object represents the content of a message to be sent as a result of an inline query. Telegram clients currently support the following 5 types: More... | |
struct | InputSticker |
This object describes a sticker to be added to a sticker set. More... | |
struct | InputTextMessageContent |
Represents the content of a text message to be sent as the result of an inline query. More... | |
struct | InputVenueMessageContent |
Represents the content of a venue message to be sent as the result of an inline query. More... | |
struct | Invoice |
This object contains basic information about an invoice. More... | |
struct | IReplyMarkup |
The interface of reply markup objects InlineKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardMarkup, ReplyKeyboardRemove and ForceReply. reply_markup param. More... | |
struct | isPtr |
struct | isPtr< CPtr< T > > |
struct | isPtr< CPtrC< T > > |
struct | isPtr< Ptr< T > > |
struct | isPtr< PtrC< T > > |
struct | KeyboardButton |
This object represents one button of the reply keyboard. For simple text buttons, String can be used instead of this object to specify the button text. The optional fields web_app, request_user, request_chat, request_contact, request_location, and request_poll are mutually exclusive. More... | |
struct | KeyboardButtonPollType |
This object represents type of a poll, which is allowed to be created and sent when the corresponding button is pressed. More... | |
struct | KeyboardButtonRequestChat |
This object defines the criteria used to request a suitable chat. The identifier of the selected chat will be shared with the bot when the corresponding button is pressed. More about requesting chats ยป More... | |
struct | KeyboardButtonRequestUser |
This object defines the criteria used to request a suitable user. The identifier of the selected user will be shared with the bot when the corresponding button is pressed. More about requesting users ยป More... | |
struct | LabeledPrice |
This object represents a portion of the price for goods or services. More... | |
struct | Location |
This object represents a point on the map. More... | |
struct | LoginUrl |
This object represents a parameter of the inline keyboard button used to automatically authorize a user. Serves as a great replacement for the Telegram Login Widget when the user is coming from Telegram. All the user needs to do is tap/click a button and confirm that they want to log in: More... | |
struct | MaskPosition |
This object describes the position on faces where a mask should be placed by default. More... | |
struct | MenuButton |
This object describes the bot's menu button in a private chat. It should be one of: More... | |
struct | MenuButtonCommands |
Represents a menu button, which opens the bot's list of commands. More... | |
struct | MenuButtonDefault |
Describes that no specific value for the menu button was set. More... | |
struct | MenuButtonWebApp |
Represents a menu button, which launches a Web App. More... | |
struct | Message |
This object represents a message. More... | |
struct | MessageAutoDeleteTimerChanged |
This object represents a service message about a change in auto-delete timer settings. More... | |
struct | MessageEntity |
This object represents one special entity in a text message. For example, hashtags, usernames, URLs, etc. More... | |
struct | MessageId |
This object represents a unique message identifier. More... | |
struct | MessageReactionCountUpdated |
This object represents reaction changes on a message with anonymous reactions. More... | |
struct | MessageReactionUpdated |
This object represents a change of a reaction on a message performed by a user. More... | |
struct | OrderInfo |
This object represents information about an order. More... | |
struct | PassportData |
Describes Telegram Passport data shared with the bot by the user. More... | |
struct | PassportElementError |
This object represents an error in the Telegram Passport element which was submitted that should be resolved by the user. It should be one of: More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorDataField |
Represents an issue in one of the data fields that was provided by the user. The error is considered resolved when the field's value changes. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorFile |
Represents an issue with a document scan. The error is considered resolved when the file with the document scan changes. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorFiles |
Represents an issue with a list of scans. The error is considered resolved when the list of files containing the scans changes. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorFrontSide |
Represents an issue with the front side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the front side of the document changes. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorReverseSide |
Represents an issue with the reverse side of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with reverse side of the document changes. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorSelfie |
Represents an issue with the selfie with a document. The error is considered resolved when the file with the selfie changes. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorTranslationFile |
Represents an issue with one of the files that constitute the translation of a document. The error is considered resolved when the file changes. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorTranslationFiles |
Represents an issue with the translated version of a document. The error is considered resolved when a file with the document translation change. More... | |
struct | PassportElementErrorUnspecified |
Represents an issue in an unspecified place. The error is considered resolved when new data is added. More... | |
struct | PassportFile |
This object represents a file uploaded to Telegram Passport. Currently all Telegram Passport files are in JPEG format when decrypted and don't exceed 10MB. More... | |
struct | PhotoSize |
This object represents one size of a photo or a file / sticker thumbnail. More... | |
struct | Poll |
This object contains information about a poll. More... | |
struct | PollAnswer |
This object represents an answer of a user in a non-anonymous poll. More... | |
struct | PollOption |
This object contains information about one answer option in a poll. More... | |
struct | PreCheckoutQuery |
This object contains information about an incoming pre-checkout query. More... | |
struct | ProximityAlertTriggered |
This object represents the content of a service message, sent whenever a user in the chat triggers a proximity alert set by another user. More... | |
struct | ReactionCount |
Represents a reaction added to a message along with the number of times it was added. More... | |
struct | ReactionType |
This object describes the type of a reaction. Currently, it can be one of: More... | |
struct | ReactionTypeCustomEmoji |
The reaction is based on a custom emoji. More... | |
struct | ReactionTypeEmoji |
The reaction is based on an emoji. More... | |
struct | ReplyKeyboardMarkup |
This object represents a custom keyboard with reply options (see Introduction to bots for details and examples). More... | |
struct | ReplyKeyboardRemove |
Upon receiving a message with this object, Telegram clients will remove the current custom keyboard and display the default letter-keyboard. By default, custom keyboards are displayed until a new keyboard is sent by a bot. An exception is made for one-time keyboards that are hidden immediately after the user presses a button (see ReplyKeyboardMarkup). More... | |
struct | ReplyParameters |
Describes reply parameters for the message that is being sent. More... | |
struct | SentWebAppMessage |
Describes an inline message sent by a Web App on behalf of a user. More... | |
struct | ShippingAddress |
This object represents a shipping address. More... | |
struct | ShippingOption |
This object represents one shipping option. More... | |
struct | ShippingQuery |
This object contains information about an incoming shipping query. More... | |
struct | Sticker |
This object represents a sticker. More... | |
struct | StickerSet |
This object represents a sticker set. More... | |
struct | Story |
This object represents a message about a forwarded story in the chat. Currently holds no information. More... | |
struct | SuccessfulPayment |
This object contains basic information about a successful payment. More... | |
struct | SwitchInlineQueryChosenChat |
This object represents an inline button that switches the current user to inline mode in a chosen chat, with an optional default inline query. More... | |
struct | Update |
This object represents an incoming update. At most one of the optional parameters can be present in any given update. More... | |
struct | User |
This object represents a Telegram user or bot. More... | |
struct | UserProfilePhotos |
This object represent a user's profile pictures. More... | |
struct | UserShared |
This object contains information about the user whose identifier was shared with the bot using a KeyboardButtonRequestUser button. More... | |
struct | Venue |
This object represents a venue. More... | |
struct | Video |
This object represents a video file. More... | |
struct | VideoChatEnded |
This object represents a service message about a video chat ended in the chat. More... | |
struct | VideoChatParticipantsInvited |
This object represents a service message about new members invited to a video chat. More... | |
struct | VideoChatScheduled |
This object represents a service message about a video chat scheduled in the chat. More... | |
struct | VideoChatStarted |
This object represents a service message about a video chat started in the chat. Currently holds no information. More... | |
struct | VideoNote |
This object represents a video message (available in Telegram apps as of v.4.0). More... | |
struct | Voice |
This object represents a voice note. More... | |
struct | WebAppData |
Describes data sent from a Web App to the bot. More... | |
struct | WebAppInfo |
Describes a Web App. More... | |
struct | WebhookInfo |
Describes the current status of a webhook. More... | |
struct | WriteAccessAllowed |
This object represents a service message about a user allowing a bot to write messages after adding it to the attachment menu, launching a Web App from a link, or accepting an explicit request from a Web App sent by the method requestWriteAccess. More... | |
Typedefs | |
template<typename T > | |
using | Ptr = std::shared_ptr< T > |
template<typename T > | |
using | CPtr = const std::shared_ptr< T > |
template<typename T > | |
using | PtrC = std::shared_ptr< const T > |
template<typename T > | |
using | CPtrC = const std::shared_ptr< const T > |
Enumerations | |
enum class | ErrorCode : std::int32_t { OTHER = 0 , SEE_OTHER = cpr::status::HTTP_SEE_OTHER , BAD_REQUEST = cpr::status::HTTP_BAD_REQUEST , UNAUTHORIZED = cpr::status::HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED , FORBIDDEN = cpr::status::HTTP_FORBIDDEN , NOT_FOUND = cpr::status::HTTP_NOT_FOUND , NOT_ACCEPTABLE = cpr::status::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE , FLOOD = 420 , CONFLICT = cpr::status::HTTP_CONFLICT , TOO_MANY_REQUESTS = cpr::status::HTTP_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS , BAD_GATEWAY = cpr::status::HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY , INTERNAL = cpr::status::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR } | More... | |
Functions | |
static std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ErrorCode &errorCode) noexcept |
static bool | isErrorCode (std::int32_t c) noexcept |
template<typename T , typename... Args> | |
static Ptr< T > | makePtr (Args &&...args) |
using tgbotxx::CPtr = typedef const std::shared_ptr<T> |
using tgbotxx::CPtrC = typedef const std::shared_ptr<const T> |
using tgbotxx::Ptr = typedef std::shared_ptr<T> |
using tgbotxx::PtrC = typedef std::shared_ptr<const T> |
strong |
Enumerator | |
OTHER | Other error codes non Telegram Api related (such as https requests failures, json parsing errors..) More information will be provided with Exception message |
SEE_OTHER | The request must be repeated, but directed to a different data center. |
BAD_REQUEST | The query contains errors. In the event that a request was created using a form and contains user generated data, the user should be notified that the data must be corrected before the query is repeated. |
UNAUTHORIZED | There was an unauthorized attempt to use functionality available only to authorized users. |
FORBIDDEN | Privacy violation. For example, an attempt to write a message to someone who has blacklisted the current user. |
NOT_FOUND | An attempt to invoke a non-existent object, such as a method. |
NOT_ACCEPTABLE | Similar to 400 BAD_REQUEST, but the app must display the error to the user a bit differently. |
FLOOD | The maximum allowed number of attempts to invoke the given method with the given input parameters has been exceeded. For example, in an attempt to request a large number of text messages (SMS) for the same phone number. Error Example: FLOOD_WAIT_X: A wait of X seconds is required (where X is a number) |
CONFLICT | Conflict: terminated by other long poll or webhook. |
TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | Too Many Requests: retry after X. |
BAD_GATEWAY | Bad Gateway. |
INTERNAL | An internal server error occurred while a request was being processed; for example, there was a disruption while accessing a database or file storage. If a client receives a 500 error, or you believe this error should not have occurred, please collect as much information as possible about the query and error and send it to the developers. |
Definition at line 8 of file Exception.hpp.
staticnoexcept |
Definition at line 70 of file Exception.hpp.
static |
staticnoexcept |
Definition at line 52 of file Exception.hpp.