26 nl::json scope = nl::json::object();
36 void _fromJson(
const nl::json& json) {
#define OBJECT_SERIALIZE_FIELD(json, json_field, field)
Available objects: https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#available-types.
#define OBJECT_DESERIALIZE_FIELD(json, json_field, field, default_value, optional)
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all group and supergroup chat administrators.
BotCommandScopeAllChatAdministrators(const nl::json &json)
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all group and supergroup chats.
BotCommandScopeAllGroupChats(const nl::json &json)
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all private chats.
BotCommandScopeAllPrivateChats(const nl::json &json)
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering all administrators of a specific group or supergroup c...
void fromJson(const nl::json &json) override
std::int64_t chatId
Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroup...
BotCommandScopeChatAdministrators(const nl::json &json)
nl::json toJson() const override
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering a specific chat.
std::int64_t chatId
Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroup...
BotCommandScopeChat(const nl::json &json)
void fromJson(const nl::json &json) override
nl::json toJson() const override
Represents the scope of bot commands, covering a specific member of a group or supergroup chat.
std::int64_t chatId
Unique identifier for the target chat or username of the target supergroup (in the format @supergroup...
std::int64_t userId
Unique identifier of the target user.
BotCommandScopeChatMember(const nl::json &json)
void fromJson(const nl::json &json) override
nl::json toJson() const override
Represents the default scope of bot commands. Default commands are used if no commands with a narrowe...
BotCommandScopeDefault(const nl::json &json)
Base class of all bot commands scopes This object represents the scope to which bot commands are appl...
virtual void fromJson(const nl::json &json)
BotCommandScope(const nl::json &json)
virtual nl::json toJson() const
virtual ~BotCommandScope()=default
std::string type
Scope type.