Telegram Bot C++ Library
This is the complete list of members for tgbotxx::Api, including all inherited members.
addStickerToSet(std::int64_t userId, const std::string &name, const Ptr< InputSticker > &sticker) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
answerCallbackQuery(const std::string &callbackQueryId, const std::string &text="", bool showAlert=false, const std::string &url="", std::int32_t cacheTime=0) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
answerInlineQuery(const std::string &inlineQueryId, const std::vector< Ptr< InlineQueryResult > > &results, std::int32_t cacheTime=300, bool isPersonal=false, const std::string &nextOffset="", const Ptr< InlineQueryResultsButton > &button=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
answerPreCheckoutQuery(const std::string &preCheckoutQueryId, bool ok, const std::string &errorMessage="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
answerShippingQuery(const std::string &shippingQueryId, bool ok, const std::vector< Ptr< ShippingOption > > &shippingOptions=std::vector< Ptr< ShippingOption > >(), const std::string &errorMessage="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
answerWebAppQuery(const std::string &webAppQueryId, const Ptr< InlineQueryResult > &result) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
Api(const std::string &token) | tgbotxx::Api | explicit |
approveChatJoinRequest(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
banChatMember(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId, std::time_t untilDate=0, bool revokeMessages=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
banChatSenderChat(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t senderChatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
Bot | tgbotxx::Api | friend |
close() const | tgbotxx::Api | |
closeForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageThreadId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
closeGeneralForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
copyMessage(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &fromChatId, std::int32_t messageId, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
createChatInviteLink(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &name="", std::time_t expireDate=0, std::int32_t memberLimit=0, bool createsJoinRequest=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
createForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &name, std::int32_t iconColor=0x000000, const std::string &iconCustomEmojiId="") const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
createInvoiceLink(const std::string &title, const std::string &description, const std::string &payload, const std::string &providerToken, const std::string ¤cy, const std::vector< Ptr< LabeledPrice > > &prices, std::int32_t maxTipAmount=0, const std::vector< std::int32_t > &suggestedTipAmounts=std::vector< std::int32_t >(), const std::string &providerData="", const std::string &photoUrl="", std::int32_t photoSize=0, std::int32_t photoWidth=0, std::int32_t photoHeight=0, bool needName=false, bool needPhoneNumber=false, bool needEmail=false, bool needShippingAddress=false, bool sendPhoneNumberToProvider=false, bool sendEmailToProvider=false, bool isFlexible=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
createNewStickerSet(std::int64_t userId, const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::vector< Ptr< InputSticker > > &stickers, const std::string &stickerFormat, const std::string &stickerType="regular", bool needsRepainting=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
declineChatJoinRequest(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
deleteChatPhoto(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
deleteChatStickerSet(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
deleteForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageThreadId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
deleteMessage(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
deleteMyCommands(const Ptr< BotCommandScope > &scope=nullptr, const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
deleteStickerFromSet(const std::string &sticker) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
deleteStickerSet(const std::string &name) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
deleteWebhook(bool dropPendingUpdates=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
downloadFile(const std::string &filePath, const std::function< bool(cpr::cpr_off_t downloadTotal, cpr::cpr_off_t downloadNow)> &progressCallback=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
editChatInviteLink(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &inviteLink, const std::string &name="", std::time_t expireDate=0, std::int32_t memberLimit=0, bool createsJoinRequest=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
editForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageThreadId, const std::string &name, const std::optional< std::string > &iconCustomEmojiId=std::nullopt) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
editGeneralForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &name) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
editMessageCaption(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
editMessageLiveLocation(float latitude, float longitude, const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", float horizontalAccuracy=0.0f, std::int32_t heading=0, std::int32_t proximityAlertRadius=0, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
editMessageMedia(const Ptr< InputMedia > &media, const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
editMessageReplyMarkup(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
editMessageText(const std::string &text, const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &entities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), bool disableWebPagePreview=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
exportChatInviteLink(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
forwardMessage(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &fromChatId, std::int32_t messageId, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getAllowedUpdates() const noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
getChat(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getChatAdministrators(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getChatMember(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getChatMemberCount(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getChatMenuButton(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=std::string{}) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getConnectTimeout() const noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
getCustomEmojiStickers(const std::vector< std::string > &customEmojiIds) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getDownloadFilesTimeout() const noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
getFile(const std::string &fileId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getForumTopicIconStickers() const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
getGameHighScores(std::int64_t userId, std::int64_t chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getLongPollTimeout() const noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
getMe() const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getMyCommands(const Ptr< BotCommandScope > &scope=nullptr, const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getMyDefaultAdministratorRights(bool forChannels=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getMyDescription(const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getMyName(const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getMyShortDescription(const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getStickerSet(const std::string &name) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getTimeout() const noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
getUpdates(std::int32_t offset, std::int32_t limit=100) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getUploadFilesTimeout() const noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
getUrl() const noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
getUserProfilePhotos(std::int64_t userId, std::int32_t offset=0, std::int32_t limit=100) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
getWebhookInfo() const | tgbotxx::Api | |
hideGeneralForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
leaveChat(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
logOut() const | tgbotxx::Api | |
pinChatMessage(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageId, bool disableNotification=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
promoteChatMember(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId, bool isAnonymous=false, bool canManageChat=false, bool canDeleteMessages=false, bool canManageVideoChats=false, bool canRestrictMembers=false, bool canPromoteMembers=false, bool canChangeInfo=false, bool canInviteUsers=false, bool canPostMessages=false, bool canEditMessages=false, bool canPinMessages=false, bool canPostStories=false, bool canEditStories=false, bool canDeleteStories=false, bool canManageTopics=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
reopenForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageThreadId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
reopenGeneralForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
restrictChatMember(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId, const Ptr< ChatPermissions > &permissions, bool useIndependentChatPermissions=false, std::time_t untilDate=0) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
revokeChatInviteLink(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &inviteLink) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
sendAnimation(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &animation, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, std::int32_t duration=0, std::int32_t width=0, std::int32_t height=0, const std::optional< std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > > &thumbnail=std::nullopt, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), bool hasSpoiler=false, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendAudio(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &audio, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), std::int32_t duration=0, const std::string &performer="", const std::string &title="", const std::optional< std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > > &thumbnail=std::nullopt, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendChatAction(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &action, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendContact(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &phoneNumber, const std::string &firstName, const std::string &lastName="", const std::string &vcard="", std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendDice(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &emoji="🎲", std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendDocument(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &document, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::optional< std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > > &thumbnail=std::nullopt, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendGame(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &gameShortName, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, const Ptr< ReplyParameters > &replyParameters=nullptr, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendInvoice(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &title, const std::string &description, const std::string &payload, const std::string &providerToken, const std::string ¤cy, const std::vector< Ptr< LabeledPrice > > &prices, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, std::int32_t maxTipAmount=0, const std::vector< std::int32_t > &suggestedTipAmounts=std::vector< std::int32_t >(), const std::string &startParameter="", const std::string &providerData="", const std::string &photoUrl="", std::int32_t photoSize=0, std::int32_t photoWidth=0, std::int32_t photoHeight=0, bool needName=false, bool needPhoneNumber=false, bool needEmail=false, bool needShippingAddress=false, bool sendPhoneNumberToProvider=false, bool sendEmailToProvider=false, bool isFlexible=false, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendLocation(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, float latitude, float longitude, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, float horizontalAccuracy=0.0f, std::int32_t livePeriod=0, std::int32_t heading=0, std::int32_t proximityAlertRadius=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendMediaGroup(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::vector< Ptr< InputMedia > > &media, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendMessage(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &text, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &entities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), bool disableWebPagePreview=false, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendPhoto(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &photo, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendPoll(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &question, const std::vector< std::string > &options, bool isAnonymous=true, const std::string &type="regular", bool allowsMultipleAnswers=false, std::int32_t correctOptionId=-1, const std::string &explanation="", const std::string &explanationParseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &explanationEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), std::int32_t openPeriod=0, std::int32_t closeDate=0, bool isClosed=false, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendSticker(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &sticker, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::string &emoji="", bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, const Ptr< ReplyParameters > &replyParameters=nullptr, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendVenue(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, float latitude, float longitude, const std::string &title, const std::string &address, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::string &foursquareId="", const std::string &foursquareType="", const std::string &googlePlaceId="", const std::string &googlePlaceType="", bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendVideo(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &video, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, std::int32_t duration=0, std::int32_t width=0, std::int32_t height=0, const std::optional< std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > > &thumbnail=std::nullopt, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), bool hasSpoiler=false, bool supportsStreaming=false, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendVideoNote(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &videoNote, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, std::int32_t duration=0, std::int32_t length=0, const std::optional< std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > > &thumbnail=std::nullopt, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
sendVoice(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > &voice, std::int32_t messageThreadId=0, const std::string &caption="", const std::string &parseMode="", const std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > > &captionEntities=std::vector< Ptr< MessageEntity > >(), std::int32_t duration=0, bool disableNotification=false, bool protectContent=false, std::int32_t replyToMessageId=0, bool allowSendingWithoutReply=false, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setAllowedUpdates(const std::vector< std::string > &allowedUpdates) noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
setChatAdministratorCustomTitle(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId, const std::string &customTitle) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setChatDescription(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &description="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setChatMenuButton(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=std::string{}, const Ptr< MenuButton > &menuButton=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setChatPermissions(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const Ptr< ChatPermissions > &permissions, bool useIndependentChatPermissions=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setChatPhoto(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const cpr::File &photo) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
setChatStickerSet(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &stickerSetName) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
setChatTitle(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, const std::string &title) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setConnectTimeout(const cpr::ConnectTimeout &timeout) noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
setCustomEmojiStickerSetThumbnail(const std::string &name, const std::optional< std::string > &customEmojiId=std::nullopt) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setDownloadFilesTimeout(const cpr::Timeout &timeout) noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
setGameScore(std::int64_t userId, std::int32_t score, bool force=false, bool disableEditMessage=false, std::int64_t chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setLongPollTimeout(const cpr::Timeout &longPollTimeout) | tgbotxx::Api | |
setMessageReaction(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageId, const std::vector< Ptr< ReactionType > > &reaction=std::vector< Ptr< ReactionType > >(), bool isBig=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setMyCommands(const std::vector< Ptr< BotCommand > > &commands, const Ptr< BotCommandScope > &scope=nullptr, const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setMyDefaultAdministratorRights(const Ptr< ChatAdministratorRights > &rights=nullptr, bool forChannels=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setMyDescription(const std::string &description="", const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setMyName(const std::string &name="", const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setMyShortDescription(const std::string &shortDescription="", const std::string &languageCode="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setPassportDataErrors(std::int64_t userId, const std::vector< Ptr< PassportElementError > > &errors) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setStickerEmojiList(const std::string &sticker, const std::vector< std::string > &emojiList) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setStickerKeywords(const std::string &sticker, const std::vector< std::string > &keywords=std::vector< std::string >()) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setStickerMaskPosition(const std::string &sticker, const Ptr< MaskPosition > &maskPosition=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setStickerPositionInSet(const std::string &sticker, std::int32_t position) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setStickerSetThumbnail(const std::string &name, const std::string &title, const std::optional< std::variant< cpr::File, std::string > > &thumbnail=std::nullopt) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setStickerSetTitle(const std::string &name, const std::string &title) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
setTimeout(const cpr::Timeout &timeout) | tgbotxx::Api | |
setUploadFilesTimeout(const cpr::Timeout &timeout) noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
setUrl(const std::string &url) noexcept | tgbotxx::Api | |
setWebhook(const std::string &url, const std::optional< cpr::File > &certificate=std::nullopt, const std::string &ipAddress="", std::int32_t maxConnections=40, const std::vector< std::string > &allowedUpdates=std::vector< std::string >(), bool dropPendingUpdates=false, const std::string &secretToken="") const | tgbotxx::Api | |
stopMessageLiveLocation(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId=0, std::int32_t messageId=0, const std::string &inlineMessageId="", const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
stopPoll(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageId, const Ptr< IReplyMarkup > &replyMarkup=nullptr) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
unbanChatMember(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t userId, bool onlyIfBanned=false) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
unbanChatSenderChat(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int64_t senderChatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
unhideGeneralForumTopic(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
unpinAllChatMessages(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
unpinAllForumTopicMessages(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageThreadId) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
unpinAllGeneralForumTopicMessages(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId) const | tgbotxx::Api | |
unpinChatMessage(const std::variant< std::int64_t, std::string > &chatId, std::int32_t messageId=0) const | tgbotxx::Api | related |
uploadStickerFile(std::int64_t userId, const cpr::File &sticker, const std::string &stickerFormat) const | tgbotxx::Api |