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A Simple, Reliable and Efficient Encryption Tool
This is the complete list of members for Window, including all inherited members.
Application class | Window | friend |
DisableCursor() const noexcept | Window | |
EnableCursor() const noexcept | Window | |
Focus() const noexcept | Window | |
GetAspectRatio() const noexcept | Window | |
GetFrameBufferHeight() noexcept | Window | |
GetFrameBufferSize() noexcept | Window | |
GetFrameBufferWidth() noexcept | Window | |
GetGLFWwindow() const noexcept | Window | |
GetGLFWwindow() noexcept | Window | |
GetHeight() const noexcept | Window | |
GetMaximumSize() const noexcept | Window | |
GetMinimumSize() const noexcept | Window | |
GetMonitorSize() noexcept | Window | |
GetPosition() const noexcept | Window | |
GetRefreshRate() noexcept | Window | |
GetSize() const noexcept | Window | |
GetSwapInterval() const noexcept | Window | |
GetTitle() const noexcept | Window | |
GetWidth() const noexcept | Window | |
Hide() const noexcept | Window | |
HideCursor() const noexcept | Window | |
IsDecorated() const noexcept | Window | |
IsFocused() const noexcept | Window | |
IsFullscreen() const noexcept | Window | |
IsHidden() const noexcept | Window | |
IsMaximized() const noexcept | Window | |
IsMinimized() const noexcept | Window | |
IsResizable() const noexcept | Window | |
IsVisible() const noexcept | Window | |
Maximize() const noexcept | Window | |
Minimize() const noexcept | Window | |
Restore() const noexcept | Window | |
SetCursor(CursorMode mode) noexcept | Window | |
SetCursor(const std::string &image_path, const std::int32_t xhot, const std::int32_t yhot) noexcept | Window | |
SetCursorPosition(const double xPos, const double yPos) const noexcept | Window | |
SetEventCallback(const EventCallback &callback) noexcept | Window | |
SetFullscreen(bool full_screen) noexcept | Window | |
SetIcon(const std::string &icon_path) noexcept | Window | |
SetIcon(const byte *iconData, std::size_t iconDataSize) noexcept | Window | |
SetMaximumSize(const std::int32_t maximum_width, const std::int32_t maximum_height) noexcept | Window | |
SetMinimumSize(const std::int32_t minimum_width, const std::int32_t minimum_height) noexcept | Window | |
SetPosition(const std::int32_t x, const std::int32_t y) const noexcept | Window | |
SetRefreshRate(const std::int32_t refresh_rate) noexcept | Window | |
SetShouldClose(const bool close) const noexcept | Window | |
SetSwapInterval(const std::int32_t interval) noexcept | Window | |
SetTitle(const std::string &title, const std::unique_ptr< std::uint32_t > &fps, const std::unique_ptr< RAMInfo > &ram_info, const std::unique_ptr< CPUInfo > &cpu_info) noexcept | Window | |
ShouldClose() const noexcept | Window | |
Show() const noexcept | Window | |
Window(const WindowSettings &window_settings=WindowSettings()) | Window | |
~Window() | Window | virtual |